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St Brigid's Primary School, Moyagall


2023/2024 School Year

27th Oct 2023
We have been continuing to learn about Kandinsky and his works. We created a mixed...
27th Oct 2023
27th Oct 2023
Primary 1 had lots of fun at our Halloween parade and disco!  We were joined...
26th Oct 2023
Well done to all our pupils who participated in a range of Maths Week Ireland activities....
26th Oct 2023
Our thanks to Fitness Freddy for our recent fundraiser. All proceeds are being used...
26th Oct 2023
Primary 7 went on a short walk today to take in the beautiful scenery on our doorstep....
24th Oct 2023
Congratulations to our Credit Union Art Competition winners. The girls came in 3rd...
23rd Oct 2023
School council met to discuss the minutes from the other classes. Have a read of...
23rd Oct 2023
The Book Fair has arrived in St. Brigid’s and will be available all week for...
22nd Oct 2023