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St Brigid's Primary School, Moyagall


2023/2024 School Year

28th Jun 2024
Take a listen to hear what they enjoyed!
28th Jun 2024
It is your last chance to pick up a bargain.  The Primary 6 and Primary 7 Uniform...
26th Jun 2024
Today Donna McFeely from Sustrans presented Miss Martin and children from Primary...
25th Jun 2024
Primary 6 have been busy preparing for the School Council Elections.  During...
25th Jun 2024
Well done to all the girls who attended Miss McAlister’s After School Netball...
22nd Jun 2024
Well done to all those who were successful on sports day! Mr Doherty our PE Co-ordinator...
20th Jun 2024
Group 2 of Miss Cassidy’s Cookery Club have enjoyed making a range of different...
19th Jun 2024
Who will be our Class Councillor 2024 / 2025 Earlier this month Primary 4 planned...
19th Jun 2024
Today our Primary 5 pupils took part in an exciting coding lesson with Matty from...