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St Brigid's Primary School, Moyagall

Big Purple Picnic!

24th May 2024
Each year Action Mental Health encourage us to join in their great big purple picnic. The focus is to raise awareness of our mental health and to raise much needed funds for their support programmes. 
Today we wore bright coloured clothes to school and at lunchtime we all had a big purple picnic. The superstar team in our school kitchen provided a fabulous snack box of hot food, with ice-cream and juice. They also set up our canteen as a beautiful picnic site with comfortable mats and decorations.

Unfortunately, the weather did not comply, so our picnic was indoors, but that did not stop the fun and excitement as the children enjoyed their picnic.

Our heroine today was Lily May whose mum works for Action Mental Health. She accepted a small donation towards AMH for all the incredible work that they do.

Our message to everyone today is to value your own wellbeing. Take time to care for yourself and be mindful. 

Thanks to AMH ~ we had a great time at our big purple picnic and thanks to our school cook Donna boasting a bright purple tee-shirt,  you are amazing!