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St Brigid's Primary School, Moyagall

Celebrating World Children’s Day

24th May 2024
Pope Francis has invited children from around the world to Rome on May 25th and 26th to celebrate the first World Children's Day. Children " You are precious in God's eyes" Is 43:4
Pope Francis said, "All of you boys and girls are a source of joy to your parents and families, but also for our human family and for the church, in which each of us is a link in a great chain stretching from the past to the future and covering the whole earth."
To mark the first World Children's Day, we attended morning Mass in Our Lady of Mercy Church. Our pupils participated in the Liturgy, and we received beautiful copies of Pope Francis prayers for each class - a gift from the parish.
Thank you to Fr Graham and the Parish of Lavey for enabling us to celebrate this special occasion on this special day. We remember Fr O'Donnell (RIP) a wonderful champion of our school, may he rest in peace.
St Brigid pray for him.
St Brigid pray for us.
St Brigid pray for all the children of the world.