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St Brigid's Primary School, Moyagall

Compassionate Schools Gold Award

28th Jun 2023

On the 27th June Richard Moore, Ursula and Rosie from Children in Crossfire presented our school with the Compassionate Schools Gold Award.

Compassionate Schools is an initiative designed to nurture and empower children to become compassionate global citizens. It encourages children to find reliable and creative ways to care for themselves, each other, humanity and all life on this planet. It helps children engage critically with global issues and take actions to make the world a better place.

Richard, Ursula and Rosie were delighted with the work we have been doing in school to achieve this award. They commended Mrs Ciara O’Neill on her leadership of this project. They profusely praised the quality of the children’s assembly which included a rap that the P6 class had composed, whole school singing, readers and pupils leading mindfulness practices.

A wonderful morning of celebration as a Gold Award Compassionate School.