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St Brigid's Primary School, Moyagall

Sports Day 2024

27th May 2024

Wow what a wonderful day! Sports Day was a huge success, there were no rain showers, our children competed with great determination and lots of races were really close. In addition to traditional sports, pupils also participated in the fundamentals competition inside the sports hall. Pupils were assigned a country and teams were of mixed ages. Extra points could be obtained at each station for great groupwork or dodgy dancing! Who knew that young children knew the dance moves to YMCA and the Macarena? We had great support from parents and families who cheered on our athletes from the sidelines.

Sincere thanks to Erin's Own GAC for the use of their brilliant facilities - we are blessed to have their full support in everything we do.

Thanks to Dr Ronan Kehoe for volunteering to be an additional First Aider on the day.

Thanks to S Mc Peake & Sons Ltd for providing a van to transport sports equipment up and down from school. We really appreciate your help.

A huge thanks to the Lavey Ladies for the delicious refreshments and the fabulous cake sale. They raised £1900 as part of their Féile Fundraising efforts and we wish them continued success in this venture.

A big thanks is reserved for our PE and sports co-ordinator Mr Ryan Doherty for all his organisation and preparation - everything ran like clockwork.  Huge thanks to all the staff of St Brigid's PS who worked so hard to make it a safe and enjoyable sports day for our children. Well done everyone!

As we have some staff absent, it was brilliant to call upon our Work Experience students, our Student Teachers who had done a teaching practice in St Brigid's and of course some parents too - thanks for your help!

The 2024 Sports Day is over, possibly our most successful yet - well done everyone!