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St Brigid's Primary School, Moyagall

Successful Summer School in St. Brigid’s

1st Aug 2024
A number of pupils enjoyed a busy summer school during July which ended with a Graduation Celebration on Thursday 1st August. Pupils had Literacy support classes with Mrs Anne Hegarty and some Year 6 pupils had the opportunity to ‘Step into Primary 7’ in preparation for their transition in September with Ms Gráinne O’Kane. For their Graduation Celebration the children had fun in the sun with a giant inflatable, a BBQ and a visit from the icecream man! Megan Fleming and Serena Gallagher provided superb waitressing skills in O’Donnell Park tending to the children. Chair of Governors, Mrs Brenda Henry, thanked the staff for their dedication and commitment to the children of the Parish of Lavey.